Nikola Motors – Cashing Out

Things played out exactly as predicted. Massive dilution of the stock, and massive loss of value to stock holders, currently Nikola Motors has a market cap under one month of expenses. Bankruptcy is looming around the corner. Market is healing, this scam is almost over.

In nine months stock is down 98%, hope by shorting the stock, CFD, or options you made a nice profit. To avoid any liquidity or legal shenanigans I recommend exiting the trade now, before it goes belly up.

For all these years in the stock market, this one felt almost like a helicopter trowing bags of money down to whoever wanted to take it. It would be extremely hard for Nikola Motors to succeed at IPO, but it would take a fucking miracle for this shady company to turn around and go anywhere in the last months.

It actually surprises me how long the business survived, almost 5 years since IPO.

It makes sense to make a quick post mortem analysis of the trade. Starting with analysts ratings and price targets of stocks:

Images with current ratings and PTs taken from the Wall Street Journal

Please be very careful taking any advise from analysts, in my opinion best is to ignore them at all. Invest in businesses that you understand, do your own research and due diligence.

The media and the legal pump and dump. This will happen again, again, and again. It’s a pattern, and the script is more or less like this:

1 – An expanding hyped up bubbling sector, let it be the flower bulbs, railroads, dotcoms, EVs, DNA, crypto, AI or something else.
2 – Some shady company backed up by “a team of great investors”, business partners, banks, brokers, the media and marketing hype machine (including the so called financial analysts).
3 – Company is sold to the market as a future player or leader of the hyped sector. Media is buzzing.

4 – General public gets in the hype train, stock runs wild, big money out.
5 – Company tries to show some work, but the real focus will be press releases, announcements, validating deals (partnerships and so on). All this will avoid SEC and legal complications for big money.
6- Company burns trough cash without showing practical results. Concerning signs about the company may surface but will be promptly dismissed by the bag holders. It’s just another setback.
7 – There can be capital raises and offerings, but eventually company gets out of money, mostly retail investors are left holding the worthless bag.

Meanwhile big money, top executives, directors, media, marketing managers, analysts, bankers and brokers are far far away enjoying their hard earned scammed money.

Yet again, #1 rule of the game, do your own research.

FSD v13.2 is hot

The latest iteration of Tesla self drive software, v13.2, the first of the 13 branch distributed to final customers is hot, delivering awesome drives, navigating very well in highways and roads, and it’s really impressive watch it managing so well in and out of parking lots and tight awkward spaces.


Example 2:

In the bureaucratic front, the Incoming White House A.I. & Crypto Czar, David Sacks (a Silicon Valley veteran and Elon’s bestie) has promised the needed federal regulations hinting a much sooner than expected deployment of unsupervised FSD.

And Mr Market is starting to believe they can pull this thing off. We are now up 50% with $tsla trading at 390. I’m holding nfa.

Transportation 2.0 update

Roughly three years ago I wrote some thoughts about the upcoming revolution in transportation, electrification and autonomy. Time for a quick update.

In the electrification front, sales of battery electric vehicles (BEV) in Europe (EU + EFTA + UK) + US have been blooming1,

BEV sales in units

I have excluded China and hybrid sales, because in both situations basically anything with a wheel and a battery can (and will) be considered an electric vehicle, which distorts the data to the optimist side.

Bottom line in the electrification sales in Europe+USA have reached 3.2 millions units in 2023, a 164% increase from 2021.

There is some near term concern with interest rates, sold out media to big oil and legacy auto (pumping hybrids and denigrating electric cars), and looming price wars with China… but despise all this, the long game is playing out very well, and in my mind it’s already won due to Wright’s law and the learning curve effect. The learning curve model posits that for each doubling of the total quantity of items produced, costs decrease by a fixed proportion (observed experience curve effects for various industries ranged from 10% to 25%).

Every battle is won before it’s ever fought

Sun Tzu

For instance, from 2020 with 800k units (Europe + USA data) and a cumulative production trough 2023 of 6400k units, we can calculate with a conservative 10% learning slope curve a 27.1% cost improvement over these last 3 years. In the real world EV prices actually have been dropping and the specs getting better each year. It’s kind of comparing apples to oranges, to compare a battery electric vehicle (EV) to an internal combustion engine (ICE) car, but I believe point of sale price parity is just around the corner, and the trend will be cheaper EVs than ICE in the (near) future.

It’s important to notice ICE industry doesn’t benefit pretty much from scale anymore, Earth currently has circa 1.5 billion cars2 in the world and a yearly 75 million production (an average 20 years renew of the fleet) so it would take at least 40 years to double the cumulative production… I’m convinced we will experience a curve discontinuity, when existing processes become obsolete by technological change.

Actually in the beginning of the ICE industry we can visualize Wright’s law working hard in Ford model T yearly price/units produced.

Also has expected, battery tech is progressing fast. At pack level (more relevant than cell level) the energy density trend is pretty self explanatory and there is still plenty of room for progress, while combustion engine is at the end of the technical development line.

Tesla Battery Pack Energy Density Wh/kg

Data points source3

YET… I reiterate, the true revolution it’s not the disruption of ICE, but it’s brewing in the autonomous vehicle (AV) front. And in the world of silicon chips and code lines, the frenetic Moore’s law is king. Dictating an expected doubling of capacity for the same cost every two years, hence a compound annual growth rate of 41%, Moore’s law predicts 180% better systems from 2021 to 2023 at the same cost (300% better by this year end, 21x better by decade’s end at the same cost… that’s the power of the compounding effect).

And boy there are big practical developments in the computers world, forget about machines playing chess (or go) at super human level, forget about image and text recognition. Artificial intelligence (AI) large language models (LLM) bots, being ChatGPT the most known to the general public, can now pass the Turing test!

Proposed by Alan Turing, it tests for intelligence in a computer, requiring that a human being should be unable to distinguish the machine from another human being by using the replies to questions put to both.

Also AI can now easily generate images and videos according to the user prompt. Let’s say, “draw me a picture of a dirt bike popping a wheelie on Mars with several spaceships in the sky” and after a couple of seconds… booom there you go….

IA created image

So, as expected lots of progress going on, but can a machine drive a car safely in the real world with other road users around?

And the short answer is: YES IT CAN. Google’s Waymo currently operates daily commercial robotaxi services in parts of Phoenix, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Google’s Waymo in SF

Also General Motors launched Cruise, a robotaxi service, but after several incidents, like cars freezing causing gridlocks, and crashes involving pedestrians and third party vehicles resulted in the suspension of the license to operate without a safety driver, and GM opted to halt it’s AV efforts “while undertakes a comprehensive safety review”4. Once again Mary Led and it matters.

Joe Biden notable remarks in 2021 Detroit Evs conference. Since, in 2023 Tesla sold 1.81 million (1.81 x 1000000) EVs, and GM sold 66 thousand EVs (66 x 1000) or about 3,6% of Tesla EVs sales…..

Also in the legacy auto world, Ford and Volkswagen, shut down Argo AI5 their joint effort to develop self-driving cars without achieving nothing relevant.

Meanwhile Mercedes has launched Drive Pilot, the first (and so far only) SAE Level 3 system (you can take hands out of wheel and eyes out of road) approved for sale in Europe and the US. Highly publicized It’s a mere marketing gimmick, because it only works on specific pre-mapped highways, during daytime, in good weather, and up to 40 mph in traffic jam situations (following a car).

Really what to expect from legacy auto in AV? As in 2024 they still struggle with simple software stuff like over the air updates and infotainment systems.I really don’t expect nothing but marketing.

From the tech world, Mobileye an Israeli spinoff from chip giant Intel focused only in AV technology, is currently valued at 26 billions, and it develops AV hardware and software to auto makers. Mobileye actually was the original provider of Tesla first autopilot, but after a deadly crash Tesla decided to pursuit AV on it own6. Also worth mention is, creation of George Hotz (the Iphone and Playstation jail brake hacker) that develops Openpilot, an open source (find it on github) effort that provides advanced driver assist features to several car makers trough purpose built hardware designed to be installed in the car.

There are clearly two different approaches to solve the AV problem, the legacy auto (and Waymo) using highly detailed and up-to-date maps combined with a suite of sensors like high precision GPS, lidar, radar, 5G connectivity. And the tech world going for cameras (vision only) and AI solution.

While the first approach, can bear fruit much quicker in geofenced applications like Waymo or Mercedes Drive Pilot it’s non practical or economical to scale, it’s a nightmare and expensive to produce and keep updated 3D maps at millimeter precision, and all those sensors come with a hefty cost, so (at least by now) it’s a non economic and non scalable solution. A general AV solution is needed, and in my mind this will be achieved with cameras and AI neural nets, you have to teach a F*g machine to see and react in real time to the world circumstances and changes.


So, if you read the original Transportation 2.0 post back in the day and decided to invest some hard earned money in $TSLA (260.20 close at the posting day) you are now a certified bag holder carrying a 7% loss.

General sentiment is not great, inflation, interest rates, waging wars are taking a toll in the markets generally, and Tesla specifically is also victim of a strong negative narrative from main stream media, and some US government harassment specially since Elon Musk bought Twitter.

So, is this the end? Better to sell all and move along? CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN heck most of the main stream media and Zuck social networks are spoon feeding the viewers with the same message, Elon Musk is bad, EVs suck, Tesla is doomed, FSD is a public danger, Cybertruck rusts overnight, the electric small/affordable car will never be produced, Tesla is doomed. investing in Tesla is crazy, the Chinese are coming, the end of world is upon us…

They must be right? Right? When, in doubt zoom out (and filter signal from noise).

Tesla # Cars Delivered per Year
Tesla GAAP Net Income Per Second (in USD)

I personally feel some 2018 vibes, when the company was between 2 growth waves, the first wave was the proof of concept with luxury segment Roadster, Model S and model X (tens of thousands units production), and the second wave was the EV mass production with Model 3 and Model Y (millions of units production). Back in the day, just like today, main stream media (with the best compliments of legacy auto and big oil advertising dollars) was pumping the don’t buy a Tesla and don’t touch TSLA stock narrative, they were soon to be bankrupt they say, DOOMED they say.

Tesla is doomed…

fate loves irony as Bob Lutz was a former vice chair of GM bailed in 2009 at a cost in excess of 10 billion USD to the tax payer.

I love it, it shows the fear and desperation of the bears.

Tesla FSD solution is now in 12.5 supervised, meaning it can do all the trips for you without touching the controls, but it requires a person at the driver seat supervising and being ready to intervene and override any error of the system. It’s not geofenced, it works well in rain or night conditions, with or without traffic (leading cars). A general solution for all, that is driving more and more miles.

Is it perfect? No, it’s a ongoing effort, and as time goes by It’s actually learning to drive better and better. Many FSD users report most of trips now are zero interventions, and it’s pretty easy to find Youtube videos of the car driving itself on FSD flawlessly for hours (the videos are getting quite boring).

We also know that in AI systems more data and more compute are always better. This is a big advantage to Tesla, because it’s the only auto maker with 6 million + vehicles with data collection and reporting capability. Talking about more compute, Tesla is developing a huge supercomputer cluster, code name Cortex, in Giga Texas scheduled to be operational in a few months, powered by a system up to 500MW specifically designed to train AI models.

Tesla has the biggest fans

So, when will the Tesla FSD be unsupervised? When will it drive around without no driver? Well my best guess (yes, it’s a guess) it will be available for customers in the next couple of years. There is a massive effort going, results are coming in. Back in 2021 it could drive for a couple of minutes without disengagements, now we are in the days mark and pretty sure weeks without disengagements are coming in. Tesla is getting closer and closer to the holy grail.

Pretty soon in 10/10 Tesla is doing the robotaxi unveil in the Warner Bros studios, and for sure we will have juicy updates and more visibility about the current state and future developments.

Other toughts amd considerations ex manufacturing and FSD

Biden administration is clearly anti Elon Musk, maybe because Tesla is not a unionized company, maybe because he’s a billionaire, maybe because he leans more to the center right, maybe because he bought and freed Twitter from left bias, maybe because he is a free thinker. The bottom point is that if Kamala wins the November USA presidential election, the federal harassment will continue, so let’s hope for a Trump win and a free market normal operation.

The media bias, as most of the media is left wing biased and on top of that Tesla doesn’t advertise (so they don’t get their money) it’s a daily stream of false information against Tesla that can eventually take it’s toll. The good point is that someone said any advertising is good advertising, and the facts speak for themselves and most persons with a functional brain can dismantle the lies and the bias really fast.


so…. probably the Norwegians are just stupid or the news is stupid?

The TSLA stock chart is very promising with a massive symmetrical triangle ready to pop.

Symmetrical triangles represent a pause in the prevailing trend as bulls and bears reach an equilibrium. However, once the price breaks out decisively from the triangle, it often signals the start of a new trend or continuation of the prior trend. The direction of the breakout, whether above the upper trend line or below the lower trend line, tells you which side has gained the upper hand

Yesterday the Federal Reserve reduced the target for its key lending rate by 0.5 percentage points, to the range of 4.75%-5%. The first drop in 4 years signaling the beginning of an easing cycle that is historically very positive for stocks.

So if you are holding the bag since the 2021 post, be excited about the future and hold, there is a bright future ahead, and your patience can (and will) be very well rewarded (nfa).

Personally I wouldn’t bet against Tesla and Elon Musk.

  1. Data sources: European Automobile Manufacturers Association, Kelley Blue Book ↩︎
  2. Data source: fair estimate from automotive industry research firm Hedges & Company. ↩︎
  3. by ↩︎
  4. GM 2023 Annual report filing 10-k ↩︎
  5. Ford 2023 Annual report filing 10-k ↩︎
  6. Tesla and Mobileye disagree on lack of emergency braking in deadly Autopilot crash ↩︎

Nikola Corporation – Shorting the H2 fraud

Nikola Corporation Inc, formerly known as Nikola Motors Inc is the brain child of Trevor Milton, that back in the 2020 EV mania was able to ride the coattails of Tesla success, and parlay an ocean of lies into a SPAC listing, and… drum roll please… a peak valuation of 34 billions back in the day.

You can get read Nate Anderson‘s Hindenrberg report (oh the irony) that brought the stock down to reality, and there are lots of highly entertainment videos exposing Trevor Milton lies that ultimately got him a federal jail sentence for fraud.

The company is still valued at 800 millions valuation, and keeps “Pushing the boundaries of possibility”.

Since SPAC (data in public SEC reports) net losses are rising each year in the last fiscal year almost reach 1 billion in losses:

Net Loss
values in millions
Nikola Net Losses

And since inception, Nikola has launched 1 (one) commercial product, the Nikola Tre, a semi-truck with a cab over design, with chassis sourced from Iveco. It’s available in two versions, the Tre BEV with a fully electric battery power train, and Tre FCEV running an hydrogen fuel cell power train. Final assembly in Coolidge AZ.

Why a new small hydrogen truck builder company is not 100% focusing… well… on hydrogen trucks...? Splitting its resources, between two technologies, with parts sourced from all over the world to final assembly in Nikola’s Coolidge facility in the Arizona desert is a logistics nightmare.

Well this a vestige of Mr Trevor Milton, lying, sorry hyping! the stock back in the day, with monthly products unveils such as the Nikola Badger, an F-150 inspired truck, promised to be faster than a Lamborghini yet cheaper than a VW Golf, the Nikola NZT an ATV for the explorers and the military… even an electric jet-ski the Nikola Wav.

Nikola was going to make it all for everyone. Land, sea, electric, hydrogen, you name it.

All of those concepts, renders and prototypes were obviously CANCELLED, never reaching near production status.

Going back to reality, the product that actually reached production, the Nikola Tre… the BEV version production has been halted due to pack manufacturing deficiencies detected after two under hood fires initially traced to coolant leaks in the battery packs. According to the latest filings:

BEV Recall Campaign

On August 11, 2023, the Company announced a voluntary recall of its BEV trucks… The incident was deemed likely caused by a defect within components of the supplier battery pack. The Company… has determined that replacement of the battery pack in all BEV trucks is the safest, most cost effective remedy. All BEV trucks have been transported to the Company’s manufacturing facility to be retrofit with alternative battery packs….. As of December 31, 2023, the Company accrued $65.8 million related to the recall campaign, of which $3.0 million has been incurred through December 31, 2023 for the BEV trucks that are expected to be returned to dealers and their retail customers once the recall work is complete.

Nikola Corporation 10K Annual report for year ending December 31, 2023

Nikola is still in the early stages of solving this problem, so for the foreseeable future there will be no BEV sales. This is also very concerning for the FCEV safety, because 10’000 PSI compressed hydrogen is no joke. If there is some half hasted engineering issue, things can get quite explosive.

It’s quite a bullet to bite for customers to buy products from a pre bankrupt company, plagued by a shady lying founder, fire hazard in their first products shipped, and so much unknowns about hydrogen costs, network, technology safety, and so on.

Sales have been lagging and no sign of mass production achieved.

semi-trucks shipped in units

Gross profitability is so far way… it’s not even a mirage. The gross loss tripled to a staggering 1.87 million per unit shipped….

RevenuesCost of RevenuesGross Loss Gross Loss
per Unit Shipped
values in millions

With an accumulated deficit of 3.071 billions (ouch….), 464 millions of cash on hand, and 555 millions in liabilities, nowhere close of mass production or profitability, the company is in dire straits, at current cash burning rate it’s not possible to maintain operations for two quarters.

So, Nikola will do what it does better, sell more stock to investors:

Weighted-average shares outstanding (3 months ended Dez 31)
shares in units, 1:30 reverse split adjusted

* latest data (q3 of 2024)

Nikola Weighted-average Shares Outstanding

At current rates of operations, and at 18 usd a share (reverse split adjusted), to raise the projected 500 millions needed to reach end of year, a whooping 27 millions of new shares (reverse split adjusted) must be issued and bought by investors.

The question is, will investors back this company again, again and again?

Insiders, at current low share price are in a dumping spree, showing little to no faith in the company future.

Chief Operating Officer – Mary S. Chan sold 24 627 shares at 0.6806 on 05/03/2024
Chief of Human Resources – Joseph R. Pike sold 75 162 shares at 0.6806 on 05/03/2024
President of Energy – Dirk O. Hoefelmann sold 5100 shares at 0.6806 on 05/03/2024
Chief Legal Officer – Worthen M. Britton sold 109 980 shares at 0.6806 on 05/03/2024

and the list goes on for quite a while… please consult the mandatory form 4 SEC filings about changes in beneficial ownership of securities for the full list of insider transactions.

The biggest stakeholder in Nikola at end of 2023 is the Norwegian people, owning 107,033,812 shares, and represented by these guys:

You can’t make this up, almost as cringe as their Nikola holdings… these are the woke (sorry, meant good) people of Norges Bank Investment Management responsible for the investment decisions of the Government Pension Fund Global.

The Government Pension Fund Global was established after Norway discovered oil in the North Sea. The fund was set up to shield the economy from ups and downs in oil revenue. It also serves as a financial reserve and as a long-term savings plan so that both current and future generations of Norway get to benefit from our oil wealth.

Norges Bank

A fund worth about 1.5 trillions with equity in about 9,000 companies world wide, owning 1.5 percent of all listed companies, the 100 millions stake in Nikola represents 0,0067% of it.

Even so I wonder if any due diligence was actually made, or they just bought Trevor Milton hype train. I don’t want to discuss here the merits of hydrogen as a power source for the future. This is a long discussion on efficiency, cost, safety, infra-structure and so on.

In my mind there will be a future for hydrogen, it’s a compelling technology for big oil and governments because it sustains the current centralized model of energy distribution and taxing. And probably, for some niche needs will be the best choice. But overall with much less percentage in the energy business mix that the average Joe assumes it will be for the next couple of decades.

I’m firmly convinced that Nikola Corporation lacks technical skills, management capability, and capital efficiency (noting that it burned 3 billion dollars to ship only 245 units since the SPAC in 2020) to be a player in the so called hydrogen economy. Current shareholders will be massacred in the foreseeable quarters with losses upon losses, and dilution and more dilution. Reverse split, de-listing to OTC, and chapter 11 bankruptcy are all strong possibilities in the next 24 months.

Usually I don’t short companies, I don’t like to earn money on other people failures. But this shady company, the lying fraudster founder and complicit management, the greedy investors that bought in because “Nikola is the next Tesla” or “Hydrogen is the future” sound bytes, ignoring all the red flags. Well… I can make an exception for this one, and short it no problem.

The inefficiency these kind of shady companies bring to the market, inflating the supply chain and labor, competing for resources that otherwise could be assigned to an efficient and ethical company. Burning capital and more capital with no criteria or results. This is all typical of market bubbles, as the 2020 EV stocks mania, but the market always takes over and prevails. The market is healing, and Nikola must die to finish the process.

At the publishing of this post the stock is 19.32 (friday 15/04/2024 close, reverse split adjusted 30x).

UPDATE 27/04/2024

As expected the company has filed a proxy statement to do “a reverse stock split of our common stock at a ratio ranging from 1 share-for-10 shares up to a ratio of 1 share-for-30 shares. Additionally, commensurate with the reverse stock split is a reduction of the number of authorized shares of our common stock from 1,600,000,000 to 1,000,000,000.” – or in summary to dilute current shareholders to oblivion.

UPDATE 04/05/2024

So far (since October) they have fixed 1 (one) of the BEV recall, this company is a joke.

UPDATE 21/06/2024

As predicted the company approved a reverse stock split of 30:1

“At the 2024 annual meeting of stockholders of Nikola Corporation (the “Company”) held on June 5, 2024, the Company’s stockholders approved a reverse stock split with a ratio of not less than 1-for-10 and not greater than 1-for-30, with the exact ratio of the reverse stock split, if any, to be determined by the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”). On June 13, 2024, the Board approved a 1-for-30 reverse stock split (the “Reverse Stock Split”) of the Company’s issued shares of common stock, $0.0001 par value per share (the “Common Stock”).

The Reverse Stock Split will be effective as of June 24, 2024 at 4:01 p.m, Eastern Time (the “Effective Time”). Beginning on June 25, 2024, the Common Stock will trade on The Nasdaq Stock Market (“Nasdaq”) on a split-adjusted basis under the existing symbol NKLA, with the new CUSIP number 654110303.”

UPDATE 24/06/2024

The 30:1 reverse stock split is now in effect. Yesterday closing price was .035 cents x30 split adjusted to 10.52 dollars (45% lower since this post publication recommend a short position at 0.64 x30 split adjusted to 19.32 dollars), I updated the weighted-average shares outstanding table and chart.

UPDATE 28/06/2024

Nikola has been deleted from the Russell 3000 index. The funds tracking this index must re-balance their portfolio according to the additions and deletions lists putting yet more selling pressure on $nkla.

Russell 3000® 2024 Final index Deletions List

Warning – Don’t touch

In my mind there is no doubt the future of betting is on the blockchain. Anonymous, transparent, fully verifiable, trustless, without banks or governments interference.

As an investor I’m doing my homework, testing and benchmarking several crypto betting projects, and sure enough one of them is the “private, no limits sports book”. Brainchild of David Mah, it has some intriguing tokenomics and value coupling, but yet some red flags (very few updates in GitHub probably the biggest red flag of them all).

In the benchmarking process I’ve come across with the capital sin for a betting project, doesn’t conform to the events outcome. So, you can bet in a sport event and even if you predicted correctly there is the possibility it doesn’t pay the winnings.

I staked 10000 wgr at 1.25 odds on Islam Makhachev win vs Alexander Volkanovski. It was a successful prediction, as indeed Makhachev won the fight, yet the wagerr network deemed this as an Event Refund ?? You can actually check this in the wagerr blockchain explorer:

Other big no no of is the long time it takes to settle a bet, it can be days, weeks or some times simply indefinitely, your bet funds get locked and you neither can’t cash in or use them for other bet.

Here it is an event, UFC 283 where I placed a bet on Gilbert Burns vs Neil Magny and as by this writing (one and half month later the event took place it’s still not settled), still waiting for oracle, so the funds of that bet are locked and can’t access or use them. Again we can confirm this in the blockchain explorer:

this has now actually been payed, curiously 3 days after publishing this post, so an event on the 21 January, was payed after 46 days, with the funds retained on chain all this time.

There are other problems identified with wagerr, but these are horrible and total showstoppers. I have used the traditional support channels, discord server and twitter, to get help about these with no success.

Expect in the following weeks a post with the crypto bet projects wild wild west benchmark and concluding recommendations. But, my simple advise for both bettors and investors is: DON’T TOUCH WAGERR.COM, not even with a 10 meter pole, you will only loose.